Thursday, 1 August 2013

Ghibli Goodness

I went back to Middlesbrough to visit Jack for the first time since Christimas.
'Foon Foon ngo fan lei laaaa!' xD
(Foon Foon I'm home)
It was good catching up, making bubble tea (and probably getting more diabetic), knitting and watching lots of Ghibli films *heart*

Jack's knitting did the most odd thing though

For some reason it kept slanting making more of a trapezium shape O__o
The next day he bought more wool and decided to start again xD

The Ghibli films we watched while knitting:

Neighbour Totoro

Porco Rosso 

Kiki's Delivery Service

Spirited Away

There was much discussion about how sassy and a cat Jiji is, if and we gave a sigh of relief that Ted couldn't talk because he would be the sassiest, bitchiest cat! This was the first time I'd seen Spirited Away and it was amazing and definitely worthy of all the awards it had won. Miyazaki is my God.

See you soon Jack!

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