Sunday, 25 August 2013

Allllpacpacpacpacpac: the Alpacalypse!

The 24th and 25th August marked the birth of ONECon!
The first day was a bit quiet for me in terms of being an artist but as promised, it was full of geeky goodness!

Meta goodness!

The guy who sold me my alpacas back at Q-Con was here too. He recognised me and wanted to know how I got all 3 alapacas home ^^'
I' have save so much money and hassle if I knew he'd be coming to ONECon!!!!

SOOOOOOO Many alpacas!

More Meta goodness for Sunday!

The sales rose lotsies today much to my delight! I was so busy with commissions! 

Thank you to all the lovely people who commissioned me! You are effectively putting money towards my Frock On fund haha xD
No really, I am really happy that you like my art <3

Lolita Catwalk

Group photo

If anyone is interested in my commissions I will still take them!

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