Friday, 8 May 2015

The Middle of Nowhere

Today Sharon took me out to Riverdale Barn to set up  wedding and when she told me it was in the middle of nowhere, she wasn't exaggerating!

Isn't it just the most beautiful place? I forgive the fact that I couldn't get any signal all day! We were there pretty much all day and I was really shocked that Sharon would usually do something like this by herself. It was really interesting to see it all come together and made me realise how big a job it can be but it was definitely worth it because it looked amazing!

To begin with I helped assemble all the lanterns which Joe then hung to the beams of the ceiling.

A totally scrummy Sweetie Cart! Pouring all the sweets into jars was a real challenge, they were SO tempting!!!

I really love the bride's centre pieces, the little Lego people are such a cute and fun touch!

Hope you had an amazing day Dawn!!!

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