Monday, 9 February 2015

Downton Abbey

Recently I started spending my evenings curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea watching Downton Abbey. I am the MOST exciting 21 year old!
I couldn't help but ask myself three questions:

1. Why am I such a little old lady at heart?
2. Why is Maggie Smith so fantastic?
3. Where has this been all my life???

I was curious because I heard that they talk about places like Ripon and Thirsk and lets face it, unless you're from North Yorkshire you don't even know that somewhere like Thirsk exists! Usually when I tell someone I'm from Thirsk they're like 'you're from where now?'
But anyway, I found myself REALLY enjoying it! There are characters I love, characters I love to hate and characters I ship.

I'm also in love with the costumes. Period costumes are so beautiful. I love the empire waists and embellishments.

Period fashion.

Downton is a masterpiece and I will keep watching and wishing I lived there. Lady Rachel has a nice ring right? 

Cora: Are we to be friends, then?  Me: We are allies my dear, which can be a good deal more effective.

Wise words from the Dowager herself.

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