Friday, 20 February 2015

Loving Him is Red

Well, that's not the ONLY thing that's red.
Red is also the colour of Chinese New Year and Taylor Swift's favourite lippie it seems! I'm going through such an odd Taylor Swift phase, her album is my background music when I'm digitally painting.

For the past couple of years I've been trying to draw a thing for Valentine's Day which I have affectionately renamed 'Senpai notice me Day' because why not try extra hard to get that special someone to notice you on Valentine's Day? He can only be so oblivious right?

Sadly this little gem didn't come as a card. 

David and I decided to spend Valentine's weekend in Huddersfield with my sister. Sick of dragging a suitcase, I traveled in true brand whore style with my Alice and the Pirates bag xD
Valentine's Day itself was spent with my sister which was totally not romantic and we decided to go out to Tokyo's with her and good lord, it was AWFUL! Well and truly awful! 

However, we made up for it the next day with a lovely Italian meal in the restaurant we went to last year and a film. Kingsmen: Secret Service is a fantastic film!

What do you think or when you think of the colour red?

Monday, 9 February 2015

Downton Abbey

Recently I started spending my evenings curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea watching Downton Abbey. I am the MOST exciting 21 year old!
I couldn't help but ask myself three questions:

1. Why am I such a little old lady at heart?
2. Why is Maggie Smith so fantastic?
3. Where has this been all my life???

I was curious because I heard that they talk about places like Ripon and Thirsk and lets face it, unless you're from North Yorkshire you don't even know that somewhere like Thirsk exists! Usually when I tell someone I'm from Thirsk they're like 'you're from where now?'
But anyway, I found myself REALLY enjoying it! There are characters I love, characters I love to hate and characters I ship.

I'm also in love with the costumes. Period costumes are so beautiful. I love the empire waists and embellishments.

Period fashion.

Downton is a masterpiece and I will keep watching and wishing I lived there. Lady Rachel has a nice ring right? 

Cora: Are we to be friends, then?  Me: We are allies my dear, which can be a good deal more effective.

Wise words from the Dowager herself.