Friday, 16 January 2015

New year, same me

Oh my...I didn't think my next post would be in 2015... sorry ^^' 
If it means anything, I didn't really get up to anything significant in December. However, I did find my return to England for Christmas was full of complaints haha. But really, I understand that England is a lot bigger than Northern Ireland but why are our train tickets SO, SO expensive?! I really missed Belfast while I was away. Mainly the fact that it had EVERYTHING.

Being home for Christmas was nice, in fact, it made me feel homesick when I got back to Belfast ^^'
I got a lot of money over Christmas which I have half promised myself NOT to spend on brand (in which case it will be spent on food), tea, food, amazing cat shaped cookie cutters (meow meow meow!) and strangely enough, two bottles of Vodka! I don't really drink much but thank you! They will be great for making Penne a la Vodka! xD

2014 was actually a really good year for me. I'd seen some lovely places, met some amazing people, eaten lots of food, married some waifus and adopted some specials so I have high hopes for this year. As for a new year's resolution, I didn't make one. Overall I just want to make this year as fun, fulfilling and colourful as possible!

So far I have started a new internship at Innocent Chaos (blog about what I've been getting up to will come later!) and am still watching anime. Hopefully there will be a bit more to share in the coming weeks ^^' 

For now please enjoy my cat shaped biscuits!

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