Sunday, 20 July 2014

Oh Le Meow Meow ~

New season, new anime! This season I picked up Tokyo Ghoul, Akame ga Kill and Kuroshitsuji - Book of Circus.
After much debating, I decided to give Sailor Moon Crystal a go too but ugh...I really, really couldn't. I couldn't even fully watch the first episode, it just wasn't the Sailor Moon I knew and loved. While the new art style is trying to be closer to the manga, it just doesn't do it for me. I miss the Usagi-chan who looked like this and LOVED toast!

The image was taken from here > a really fun link for what others made of Sailor Moon Crystal.

Anyway, I satisfied my curiosity and very, very quickly went back to watch some of the original Sailor Moon. Some things should just be left alone.

However, I'm really liking the darker nature and the blood in Tokyo Ghoul and Akame ga Kill! They're both quite different to the series I'd previously watched and I'm enjoying the change. Though I do like Akame ga Kill a lot more.

Having fallen in love with Kuroshitsuji (and Sebastian himself) I knew I was going to pick up Kuroshitsuji - Book of Circus and so far it has not disappointed and I still love the characters and style and it just makes me want to cosplay! ^^

Until episode 2, I kind of forgot about how much Sebastian loves cats. I mean I love cats but Bassy, he LOVES cats!

Oh Sebastian, you're a crazy cat demon and I'm a crazy cat lady, we're made for each other!!!

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