Saturday, 19 October 2013

Pumpkin Emotions

I know it's still kind of early but yay! Halloween Meet!
This must be one of the most cosy, fun, silly and dodgy meets xD featuring Lisa the Llama, monsters, a horror quiz and pumpkin carving!

Inventing monsters >:3

Aiya...can't see! Can't see!  I attacked Ellie...I'm sorry!!

Loli fear... Lisa was scarily durable!

Kawaii photo of Vief and I and Sophie's heart frame xD

Pumpkin time! I've never carved a pumpkin before and was amazed to see the pumpkin guts and brains as Jo lifted the lid >w<

We wooooon!!!!

Our winning pumpkin - ALL the Pumpkin Emotions!

Halloween Loli Co-ord
Blouse - Primark

JSK - AATP Clockwork Aristo Kitty
Socks - Offbrand
Shoes - Debenhams
Headband - Topshop

I don't have any Halloween themed prints (I wish I had Merry Making in the Ghost Town) so I went for a cat theme with Baby's cats and 'cat ear-ish' shaped buns! Meow!


  1. ooooh :D this looks like so much fun. I think I'll try planning something like this next year too.
    Besides, you all look so beautiful! I adore you dress soooooooooo much! Ö

    1. It was seriously good, silly fun! I can't believe I'd never carved a pumpkin before - I'll doing it every year now xD
      Thank you ^^
