Monday, 1 July 2013

Allllpacpacpacpacpac ~

Over the weekend (28th - 30th June) I was at Q-Con in Belfast for the first time while I was visiting David.
I flew on the 28th and since I was getting bored at the airport I decided to get an 'Express manicure' since I had never had a manicure before. It was very theraputic and relaxing ^^

A shimmery pink polish by OPI

I was then told that they wouldn't be touch try for about 10 minutes and then it would take a further 45 minutes - an hour for them to be 100% dry which sounds crazy, but was true. However, this made paying an issue since my nails were wet. The girl pretty much had to get my money out of my purse for me ^^'
The manicure also wasn't as 'express' as I hoped and took half an hour rather than 15 minutes as advertised so when the woman at the gates asked to see my idea I had to apologise to her for not being able to get my ID out of it's slot in my purse because my nails were wet ^^'

However, it was a nice experience so if you're flying from Terminal 1 at Manchester Airport, it's The Cloud. 


This was my first time at Q-Con and the first thing I saw once I got into the Traders Hall were the Alpacas *___*

I bought myself a yellow one ^^

I left that day with 3 Alpacas - one for me and 2 for back home. I looked like I'd robbed the place xD
The only annoying thing was carrying them because they were so fat and the glitter kept coming off and their scarves and went everywhere ><

Over the weekend I also view lots of anime and met some lovely Lolis!
It's always a joy to meet a fellow frilly and hopefully I will see you all again!

My Co-ord:

Blouse: Primark
JSK: Baby The Stars Shine Bright
Socks: Offband
Shoes: Highstreet 

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