Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Today I went into Manchester spent some time in Chinatown and made some nice little discoveries!
Whenever i go to Manchester I ALWAYS go into the Oriental Crafts and Gifts place (I call it the Purikura shop haha) and today I spied a collection of amazingly nomalicious dessert books (which luckily came in Chinese and English! One day, I will get at least one of them and make EVERYTHING!
My favourite find were these babies!

GIANT Totoro plushies!!!
I might have to buy myself one for my next flat except I won't be sleeping on his tummy, he'll be sleeping on mine xD

I bought things (it would have been rude if not haha)
yes, I may be pushing 20, but those penguin stickers HAD to come home with me!

Went into Wing Yip Hong after eating and look what I found!!!

Bubble Tea goods! Next year I will stock up my flat well ;)

I also bought this Rose Green Tea (I love the box!)
It was very nice with a distinctive yet not overpowering aroma. Not only is is lovely, it's also good for your bones, heart, skin and digestion! I've also found that green tea helps my body break down fats faster and more effectively :)

I've been going on about needing a haircut for AGES now (David would know) and today, out of the blue it finally happened! My mum's friend recommended a place so she booked me an appointment (which we turned up half an hour late for haha xD)


Ta da!

I forgot to take a before photo ^^' but hopefully you can see the difference compared to how it is on the left where it is longer, thicker and heavier. I'm very happy with it ^^

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