Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Baby's Cats =^_^=

I'm FINALLY getting round to expressing how happy I am about my little present for myself.
Ok, so AATP's Clockwork Aristo Kitty (a.k.a Baby's Cats)  costed me 3 digits and I feel absolutely broke but I regret NOTHING! NOTHING I say!
As soon as I saw it up for reservation I knew I was in love and usually I ask myself, 'do I really need this in my life?' I usually fall in love with dresses and then decide to wait until it's for sale second hand but this time I  decided that I actually will cry if I cant have this (I learn from Meta's Night of Masquerade ;___; ) so I went ahead and bought it.

I bought this dress to wear at Frock On! so I haven't touched it yet (well I tried it on) but I plan on co-ording it with this Anna House blouse so now to work out what goes on my head and legs....


Sunday, 23 June 2013

A Chocolate Story

For National Pink Day we had a Loli Meet in York where we did lunch at Wagamama (I had a fried rice with tofu in - I lOVE tofu) and then went to adventure around York.
We invaded the Fudge Kitchen and met a 'Mr Fudge' who's name I don't remember but he was a very animated character who suggested we come picnic next time xD
We also got to sample a piece of fudge which was absolutely yummy!
However, we swiftly had to leave our new little friend as we had a tour of York's Chocolate Story ahead.

We were taken on a little adventure through chocolate time and got to sample some bits of chocolate (I won't say what happened just in case I spoil it for anyone) but it was good yummy fun!
I even left with my own big chocolate lolly! 
Definitely worth a visit if you like yourself a piece of chocolate! Check out their website here > http://yorkschocolatestory.com/

Sadly, there are no photos (but lots of the public got photos of us ^^') and the day ended with an extreme 'loli-run' to catch the train!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

We So Super-Kawaii-Desu!

While David was over in May we decided to go to The Deep out of the blue (I've always wanted to go to an aquarium) and I absolutely loved it! There was such a peaceful feeling being surrounded by all that water and  sea life. I actually started feeling guilty for enjoying seafood so much ^^'
My darling friend 'AZN sista' Tasha suggested that we visited the Moon Jellyfish and I'm so glad we did!

Aren't they the most amazing looking things? We will most definitely go back to see them again!
The animal I associate with Lolita's is cats but one of these babies would make an awesome pet! Their frilly tentacles and poofy shapes make them the perfect Loli companion!

While on the subject of Lolita, I went to a mini meet with Hana and Tasha in Hull today to see some Madame Clapham dresses at Hull Museum. Two were Victorian and the other was from the 20's. It was amazing to how well preserved they were (they were very delicate and we had to wear gloves to handle them.)  Amazingly, the silk was still in one piece and unaffected by beasties. I fell in love with all the scrummy  lace trims too!
After we'd seen the dresses I got to pay a visit to someone special, the mummified  Priest in the Egypt room. It was displayed with the Sarcophagus in a dark room which gave it a really creepy feel (I'm usually not bothered at all by mummies but it really did create some dodgy atmosphere) but it was just to stop the bright light damaging the guy.

Hana soon remembered the toilets in the basement of the Victorian (?) section and I heard of the 'poo photo competition' so we had to have a poo photo (we're so classy and Sophie, I promise this is not betrayal!)

There was no way we could not laugh, I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even make my best poo face!

We then went to the BBC place where Tasha's AZN mama offered us chocolate if we could get double digits in her quiz. i have NEVER worked so hard for chocolate haha xD
We also visited the Transport Museum and got to play some retro games, see What The Butler Saw (marked adults only for good reasons!) and we also saw some really dodgy things. This was followed by sitting in a coach thingy (?), visiting an old sweet shop, being called Princesses by a 3 year old child (he was adorable!) and sitting in a Victorian coach! 

Our 'Sexy British Pose' to contrast with our 'Super Kawaii Desu Pose'.

It was good to see you Hana and you AZN Sista!
It's been a fabulous day!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

I Come From Taiwan...Just Kidding!

Today I went into Manchester again and made yet another discovery!
A shop called I Came From Taiwan which sells Bubble Tea (yay Bubble Tea!) *heart*
You can never have too many Bubble Tea shops! The price was quite standard at £3 (regular) and £3.50 (large). I was really confused about which was the regular Bubble Tea, it turned out to be the Ceylon.

It's hard to see, but I tried to take a photo of all the flavours.
They also have a loyalty card thing where after you collect 6 stamps you get one for free.

I got Honeydew Milk Tea. I tried to capture the colour - it was a very vivid mint green colour.


I also bought one of the super kawaii desu dessert books!

Someone's going to be making scrummy desserts!
Isn't my boyfriend lucky ;)

Friday, 14 June 2013

New Territory

On Wednesday I helped my friend Aisha take some photos of her trying out a fairly new Japanese style called Shironuri. While I had heard 'Shironuri' before it was totally new territory to me and I knew close to nothing about it so I did some research!

More images available here >  [click me]

''shironuri'' (白塗り) literally translates to ''painted in white''. It refers to the white traditional makeup worn by Geisha and stage actors. Shironuri fashion takes its inspiration from many sources. As there are no real rules except having your face painted in white, any clothing worn with shironuri makeup can be considered shironuri. However, some influences are more specific to shironuri fashion. 
While researching I came across a variety of names but the one that rang a bell was Minori (the one my friend had told me about).

Minori - Her Memories of a Dream (6)

Minori - Her Memories of a Dream (15)  Minori - Her Memories of a Dream (25) 

You can find more amazing images of Minori here > [click me]

I've decided I like Shironuri,I love how theatrical it looks and after seeing how Aisha put all the elements together for her look, it looks like good fun and is a very creative process!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Today I went into Manchester spent some time in Chinatown and made some nice little discoveries!
Whenever i go to Manchester I ALWAYS go into the Oriental Crafts and Gifts place (I call it the Purikura shop haha) and today I spied a collection of amazingly nomalicious dessert books (which luckily came in Chinese and English! One day, I will get at least one of them and make EVERYTHING!
My favourite find were these babies!

GIANT Totoro plushies!!!
I might have to buy myself one for my next flat except I won't be sleeping on his tummy, he'll be sleeping on mine xD

I bought things (it would have been rude if not haha)
yes, I may be pushing 20, but those penguin stickers HAD to come home with me!

Went into Wing Yip Hong after eating and look what I found!!!

Bubble Tea goods! Next year I will stock up my flat well ;)

I also bought this Rose Green Tea (I love the box!)
It was very nice with a distinctive yet not overpowering aroma. Not only is is lovely, it's also good for your bones, heart, skin and digestion! I've also found that green tea helps my body break down fats faster and more effectively :)

I've been going on about needing a haircut for AGES now (David would know) and today, out of the blue it finally happened! My mum's friend recommended a place so she booked me an appointment (which we turned up half an hour late for haha xD)


Ta da!

I forgot to take a before photo ^^' but hopefully you can see the difference compared to how it is on the left where it is longer, thicker and heavier. I'm very happy with it ^^

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Can you say 'pink leather bloomers?'

A while ago I saw a deal on wowcher for New World Cafe in Leeds which gives 2 people a 3 course Japanese meal for £9 (BARGAIN!) so Sophie and I made a mini meet of it.
Me met at the Leeds station at 11.30 and went on to Leeds Market for fabric shopping!

I bought this AMAZING umbrella print fabric and some pink chiffon to ruffle on top. I'm very excited to make this dress!!!

Hana and I eyed up some fabulously pink leather and gave into temptation and bought some because oh the possibilities! We're going to make pink leather bloomers - everyone at the Frock On after party will be so jealous!!! xD 

Beautiful group photo taken in The Corn Exchange where we eyed up some amazing candy-like good (except you couldn't really eat them). I propose Pudding Meet!


At New World Cafe

I love the little jar thingy the Miso Soup came in and omg! It had TOFU!!!

A trip to ICandy followed for dessert and this baby was to DIE for! I've had a lot of Roulade in my time (mostly Natalie's) but this Raspberry and Hazelnut Roulade was the creme de la creme!
I'll be back! ;)


Let's get everyone's lovely outfits in!
Photos taken by Sophie (apart form Sophie's)












And me xD

Hairband - Primark
Cardigan - Offbrand
JSK - Metamorphose
Tights - M&S
Shoes - Primark

Thanks for another awesome meet guys! If I don't see you during the summer have a good holiday (and some great meets) and I'll see y'all in September!

Friday, 7 June 2013

International Lolita Day

1st June was International Lolita Day and although I could join the lovely ladies in Leeds, I made sure I was feeling the frilly fabulousness!

My sister and I went to Creams Tearooom & Patisserie for the day.

A lovely selection of sandwiches, Earl Grey, Indulgent hot chocolate and Macaroons! 
Look out for their website which is coming soon: http://creamstearoomandpatisserie.com/

This was my outfit for the day ^^ I was feeling pink today!
Floral hairband - Primark
Cutsew - Offbrand
JSK - Anna House
Socks - Primark
Shoes - ALSO Primark!


I spotted these lovely hairbands in Primark (Leeds)
I imagine they'd make a cute loli hair accessory. I need more accessories...

Thursday, 6 June 2013

It's Time To Duel!

I decided for (for the second time since starting uni) to make it through the first Yu-Gi-Oh series and have so far made it to the fourth season (yes, the one with the motorcycles!) so we're nearly there!
While in the process I started drawing again and churned out quite a nice piece if traditional fan art.

A conversation soon flowed about how cute these little Scapegoats would be to cosplay which gave birth to this concept

I started to really enjoy using watercolours for a change, before this all my manga illustrations were digital and now that I look back on a lot of them, they are quite flat.

I was also introduced to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Drinking Game
We played to Episode 121 and my only comment is dammit Kaiba! The number of times that guy says 'card' is unnecessary and bad news for my liver. If you do want to play this, pick a good episode and play responsibly ;)

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Come What May

Beccy organised a trip to Abbey House Museum and Little Tokyo for the May Meet and it was good fun!
I really love the Victorian era and I loved the Victorian reconstruction of the museum.
Sophie and I however had planned to twin, well wife in Vampire Requiem for this meet since I have the JSK and she has the skirt.

Quick photos taken before leaving 

Me and Sophie wifing in Vampire Requiem (lace bolero and necklace borrowed from Sophie) and me and Hana who I met on the day who is lovely! Hopefully see her again!^^

Poor Jo was trying to teach us something and I wasn't paying attention and Sophie still doesn't know her alphabet! We're terrible students xD
We found some Victorian public loos and of course it'd be rude to not sit on them haha! Because me and Sophie were wifing, it was only right for us to be loo buddies too!
I pull such an attractive poo face xD
(David, I bet you've seen this photo but I hope you don't remember it!)

We also found a load of dressing up stuff and we thought we'd inject some pink! We miss it, especially Sophie. 

A photo under some bloomers! Oh the classiness haha! I love how we're a fun group! We enjoy ourselves and don't take ourselves too seriously ^^
And only two pinkies! Somehow almost everyone came in a black outfit...

A lovely photo taken outside the art gallery

We then moved on to Little Tokyo (which I now LOVE) for dinner. It was a lovely restaurant and they even had some Koi ^^

There was SO much food! I ordered Yaki Soba and then the lychee ice cream and the ice cream was absolutely amazing, it was so yummy!!! I'll definitely get it again and again <3

The bowl was really cool too, it was made of ice with kiwi and rose petals frozen into it.

This was an amazing meet - thank you Beccy!
If only Grace was able to make it too!