19th - 21st June marked my third and most fun Q-Con to date!
So last April I fell in love with the anime No Game No Life and am STILL waiting to hear about when season two is going to be a thing. Back in May I went to MCM Belfast with some friends and David bought Sora's top so we decided that we would do a No Game No Life cosplay at Q-Con!
Today I'm going to share the experience of putting together a cosplay in around a month and where we got out bits and pieces.
First stop for wigs is good old eBay! I wasn't loving any of the wigs designed to be for Shiro because I didn't think the colour was right. Shiro's hair is funny - it seems to be different colours in different media and lighting. Colour matching was the hardest thing with the anime being so colourful.
I bought this wig from the seller com2shop. This was the kind of color I thought would be the most suitable. I was pretty pleased with what I received.

Sadly David's wig shopping experience wasn't as smooth...
He thought it would be easier to get a wig that was specifically for Sora. He bought one very much like this. When we got it, it was completely flat and rather bright.
So we definitely couldn't use this and realised that shopping for wigs that were made for the character was a bad idea so we had a nosy for wigs that matched the colour we thought his hair should be.
Another fab wig, courtesy of com2shop!
Make-up Testing
The hardest part for me was getting a pale enough foundation ><
I glued by eyebrows down and tried my best to cover them with concealer and foundation before filling them back out with a steel blue and silvery grey eyeshadow.
Here I also exaggerated my eyes using eyeliner and white eyeshadow to extend the whites of my eyes to make them look bigger.
On David I just tried my best to cover his 5 o'clock shadow using concealer, foundation and then more concealer on top. Sora's eye bags wer drawn in using bronzer first then brown eye shadow with a bit of purple and plum for depth.
The outfits!
I wanted to sew mine but because of the lack of time, I got mine from eBay!
The quality was fine but I didn't wear the extra white sleeves because the elastic wasn't great for arm circulation ^^' I also got some navy thigh high socks on eBay and just cheated and put on some black flats.
David got his top at MCM and the rest of the outfit was made up of things he already had except the wristband which is also from eBay.
Pre-Con selfie!
I styled the wigs on the morning by backcombing, shaping and holding using hairspray.
I also ditched the exaggerated eye make-up for a more natural look.
Photos from Q-Con
Thank you to everyone who took photos for us!

We discovered another Shiro!

Photo on the right and below from Andrew Adams Show

Possibly my favourite photo from Saturday - thank you Andrew Adams!
David and I had a great day and a lot of fun cosplaying and met some lovely people! Thank you for everyone who stopped to say hi and thank you all for your lovely compliments! We're both really glad people liked our first cosplay together ^^
Stay tuned for Q-Con #2 for shopping and Lolita!