Friday, 20 March 2015

Keep Me Belfast!

I very recently came across this list of reason to stay in Belfast forever and I am sold!

1. Because the locals are great craic.

Because the locals are great craic.
Facebook: Limelight / Via Facebook: limelightbelfast
They’re wrongfully thought of as being a rowdy bunch (and they can be occasionally). But most of the time, you’re welcomed in with open arms.

2. Because there are so many bars here.

Because there are so many bars here.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: antxoa
You can find the full list here, but The SpaniardThe Dirty Onion and Cloth Ear are all top watering holes in the Cathedral Quarter.

3. And the bars look like this.

And the bars look like this.
Cat Morley / Via
That’s Café Vaudeville.

4. And this.

And this.
Lorenzo Mosica/Archivolatino/Red / Via
It’s pretty cool when your local dates back to 1826.

5. Because there’s amazing architecture everywhere.

Because there's amazing architecture everywhere.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: nicokaiser
This is Custom House Square, another example of Belfast’s Victorian heritage. There’s usually some sort of festival or event on in the Square (another reason to love living here).

6. And the insides of buildings are beautiful too.

And the insides of buildings are beautiful too.
Miss Copenhagen / Via Creative Commons / Flickr: comawe
That’s inside Harland & Wolff’s Headquarters.

7. Because you know you’re home when you see Samson & Goliath from the plane.

Because you know you're home when you see Samson & Goliath from the plane.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: massiveblur

8. Or maybe it’s when you fly over Slieve Donard.

Or maybe it's when you fly over Slieve Donard.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: erase

9. Because it makes you kinda proud that people choose to film so many series here.

Because it makes you kinda proud that people choose to film so many series here.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: spatial_pan
They film The Fall in the city, and countless other productions around Northern Ireland. This is Ballintoy Beach… 10 points if you know where it appears in Game Of Thrones.

10. Because the city is literally surrounded with natural beauty.

Because the city is literally surrounded with natural beauty.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: 64320477@N05

11. Just look at this.

Just look at this.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: glenncartmill

12. Because when you want a day out, you can just visit your local castle.

Because when you want a day out, you can just visit your local castle.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: black-and-white-prints
This one’s in Carrickfergus.

13. And you can literally take your pick of castles.

And you can literally take your pick of castles.
John Purvis / Via Creative Commons /
This is Dunluce Castle (or what remains of it).

14. Because Northern Ireland’s coastline is definitely on a par with the rest of Ireland’s.

Because Northern Ireland's coastline is definitely on a par with the rest of Ireland's.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: benamunra

15. And there are epic coastal walks everywhere.

And there are epic coastal walks everywhere.
Uccia Graziella Russo / Via Creative Commons / Flickr: 61605871@N07

16. Because we even have our own castle.

Because we even have our own castle.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: e_phots
Creatively named, Belfast Castle.

17. Because once a year, our parks are lit up with the Festival of Light.

Because once a year, our parks are lit up with the Festival of Light.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: mrulster
This is Mount Stewart, which happens to be framed with lights and music during the festival. However, there are other monuments in the city that are lit up too.

18. Because look at our city hall.

Because look at our city hall.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: rwp-roger

19. Because we know how to do Christmas Markets.

Because we know how to do Christmas Markets.
Belfast Christmas Markets / Via
The market’s been named 2nd best in the United Kingdom!

20. In fact, we do all markets really, really well.

In fact, we do all markets really, really well.
Yes, St George’s Markets have all the lovely local produce from around Northern Ireland (and some excellent breakfasts), but you can also buy a proper farmers cap, see some live music AND be totally sheltered from the rain (it’s an indoor market!).

21. Because you’ll never go hungry here.

Because you'll never go hungry here.
If anything, there are too many restaurants to choose from. Alley Cat is your man if you want a big old burger with plenty of fries.

22. Because we have fresh seafood being served in the city, daily.

Because we have fresh seafood being served in the city, daily.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: fillyc
It’s one of the benefits of being a coastal city. Here’s the full list of delicious places to eat in Belfast, including steaks, cakes and more.

23. Because our standard shopping centre has a viewpoint at the top of it.

Because our standard shopping centre has a viewpoint at the top of it.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: infomatique
Although Victoria Square might look like a spaceship from the outside, it’s actually because there’s a glass globe inside you can climb to the top of for a panorama of the city.

24. Because in summer, your walk home from work might look like this.

Because in summer, your walk home from work might look like this.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: 13857315@N06

25. Especially if you have a waterfront apartment.

Especially if you have a waterfront apartment.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: infomatique

26. Because our waterfront actually looks pretty fantastic at night.

Because our waterfront actually looks pretty fantastic at night.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: jonnymckee
This is the Queens Bridge and the Beacon of Hope. So yeah, take that, London, Paris, Sydney…

27. Because our skyline is pretty damn fantastic, too.

Because our skyline is pretty damn fantastic, too.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: nicokaiser

28. Because our city has a unique history.

Because our city has a unique history.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: nicokaiser
The SS Nomadic was the tender to RMS Titanic. She was built in Belfast in 1910, but she was too big to get into Cherbourg Harbour. You can now visit her in the Titanic Quarter.

29. And that history is worn on our sleeves.

And that history is worn on our sleeves.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: magistra-montgomery
We might have a nice waterfront, but we also have murals that could rival Berlin’s.

30. Because we make delicious whiskey.

Because we make delicious whiskey.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: mariejirousek
Bushmills Distillery was founded in the early 17th century, and they’ve been providing the city with delicious single malt whiskey ever since. Mmmmmhm.

31. Because we have clubs hidden under our buildings.

Because we have clubs hidden under our buildings.
See, told you the locals were great craic.

32. Because we also have a lively music scene.

Because we also have a lively music scene.
Most of the bars (like Ollies) will have live music during the week, Limelight and the Union do “medium” sized gigs from well known acts. There are occasional acts on at The Empire ,and the Odyssey is where you get the musical heavyweights. The Waterfront Hallhosts classical musicians, shows, and musicals. And the Grand Opera House is the oldest theatre in Belfast.

33. Because we also have an award winning university.

Because we also have an award winning university.
fatin raihanna / Via Flickr: fatinraihanna
Queen’s is part of the Russell Group.

34. And look how pretty it is.

And look how pretty it is.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: infomatique

35. Because we have beautiful cathedrals and churches hiding in the city.

Because we have beautiful cathedrals and churches hiding in the city.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: richardbrowne
This amazing picture was taken inside St Anne’s Cathedral.

36. Because our churches look like this on the inside.

Because our churches look like this on the inside.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: belfastsocrates
This is St Malachy’s on Alfred Street.

37. Because you could wander around our Botanic Gardens all day.

Because you could wander around our Botanic Gardens all day.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: 82955120@N05

38. And lose yourself in its rose gardens.

And lose yourself in its rose gardens.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: infomatique

39. Because Belfast looks beautiful in the winter too.

Because Belfast looks beautiful in the winter too.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: fatinraihanna

40. Because our cafes do proper, cosy, winter food to warm you up again.

Because our cafes do proper, cosy, winter food to warm you up again.
“Dipping sandwiches” (a.k.a. toasties and soup) at Love & Death Inc <3

41. Because Maggies serves hugs in mugs.

Because Maggies serves hugs in mugs.

42. Which you need when it looks like this outside.

Which you need when it looks like this outside.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: firebladeken
The Mourne Mountains make a beautiful backdrop to the city.

43. But when the winter’s over, we get to go to places like this in the summer.

But when the winter&#39;s over, we get to go to places like this in the summer.
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: spatial_pan

44. Because Portrush Beach is perfect.

Because Portrush Beach is perfect.
Don’t pretend you don’t want to run back to Barry’s every summer.
45. Basically, you should never leave Belfast…
Basically, you should never leave Belfast...
Via Creative Commons / Flickr: e_phots
46. …because this city is awesome....because this city is awesome.
Next Trip Tourism / Via
I really do love it here in Belfast, I certainly would not be against a permanent move!

List from Buzzfeed