Thursday, 23 October 2014

10 Years of Fashion Week

Last week marked the 10th year of Belfast Fashion Week. I was like 'oh my!' at first, thinking it was like London Fashion Week but I later found out that it was more of a local retailers kind of thing but I was still exited to see what the designers and retailers in Northern Ireland had to offer.
Lizzie had been working on two new pieces especially for the fashion show on 17th October; a bridal/ evening gown with a intricate centre piece and another kimono creation.

She was also going to have a stand with some dresses out for show so we took a selection of dresses and stuff to go and set up on the Wednesday. The venue is a 'New Age Church' and she had previously described it to be like a cult church so I was really interested in seeing the place, especially since it's near where I live.

Behold, pictures of the inside of 'Cult Church'
The first thing I saw as I went in

This is where the service is held (I think?)

It totally doesn't feel like a church in anyway and it definitely doesn't look anything like one! I actually really liked the decor and lighting, I could go there once a week, not too sure about the actual service though.

(l-r Louise, Hera, dress for Rebecca Maguire & Joanna)
Lizzie's stand featuring her bridal gowns Louise, Hera and Joanna and the dress she made for former Miss Ireland Rebecca Maguire to present the final of Miss Ireland 2014.
The Louise was later swapped out for Garbo.  

Transporting the dresses and shoes to the venue on Friday morning

Prep, prep, prep!

Every model had a rail of 'looks' in the order they'f be worn in. It was very cramped backstage with not much space to move @__@
Even the fittings felt hectic.

I came across these lovely photos of Ernesta and Jayne, the models I dressed.

After a struggle of finding good photos of each model I thought why not just share the video of each model and dress in action! Please have a nosy and enjoy Lizzie's gorgeous collection!

Do you have a favourite?

Monday, 20 October 2014

Sweet success

Yes! More food and today, I made a thing!
Behold, Oreo Brownies *heart*

400g caster sugar
225g melted butter
60g cocoa powder
225g plain flour
1 tsp vanilla essence
4x eggs
1/2 tsp salt
Oreos - I used 8 but you can have as many as you like!

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.


Mix the sugar, melted butter, vanilla and salt. I STILL only have a pan to mix in xD I tried to get a real mixing bowl but it's more of a struggle than you think!

Mix in the cocoa powder a bit at a time.

Add the eggs - I did two at a time.

Slowly fold in the plain flour.

Pour half into a lined tin and then arrange the Oreos before covering with the rest of the mixture. Bake for 20 minutes. *sets timer*

Out it comes! Leave to cool and then cut into slices.


Here it is in it's glory with a little bit of Oreo peeking out!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Food, Glorious Food!

Time for more food!

A few weeks back I gave in for the first time and got a take away on my way home from work so I didn't have to cook (we all have lazy days) and it had been a long time since I'd had a Chinese roast so I stopped by Same Happy down Donegall Pass to get a triple roast with boiled rice. The staff spoke Cantonese so that was nice and easy and it cost me £10. Ok, so £10 isn't a small number and with the size of my little package I wasn't too convinced at first.

However, looks can be deceiving. As I unboxed it I found that they had packed a lot into what looks like a small container! 

I had three bowls of rice for dinner and still had 1 and a half's worth of food left to take out for lunch with me the following day! Now's that's getting your moneys worth!


Now to share a super lazy meal! I got home from work one day and couldn't really be bothered but I was hungry. What do? 
The ONLY thing to make is boiled rice with steamed chicken and Chinese mushrooms! Seriously, this is the quickest and simplest thing. Put your rice cooker on, wait until it starts to bubble and them spread the chicken and mushrooms out on top of the bubbling rice and wait for it to be cooked! I like spring onions in mine so I tossed some in at the end.
For those who are interested, the mushrooms and chicken were marinaded in salt (half teaspoon), sugar, mirin, soy sauce and oyster sauce (one teaspoon of each),

Monday, 13 October 2014

Home, Sweet Home

On 9th October I went back to England for the first time since starting my placement. First things first, I went into uni to have a chat with Nicola about what I need to be doing right now, how my placement is going and what I've learnt and what I need to do in preparation for next year. It was nice to have someone to talk to about my concerns about final year and first world problems!

I was also really nice to go home and see my family, be fed lots of food and be somewhere warm - I can't work this Economy 7 heating system in my flat and it's been really cold :<
HOWEVER, the REAL highlight for me was the food I had while I was home!

I went to Nando's for the first time in months (I've missed Nando's!). Nando's was fabulous as was seeing some familiar faces! I also got some Green Tea Kit-Kats from Japan which I am still rationing (it's a struggle!)
Once I got home home it was certainly a food fest! Crab, lobster, roast duck, roast pork *heart* and that's just the big things!

On Saturday morning Grandad thought it was good idea for us all to go out to Wetherspoons for lunch. Christine got this breakfast burger and I couldn't help but be amazed at the height of it O__O
I got a hot dog, I think a few were shocked by the size of it.

My cousin from Scotland also came to visit that weekend and along with him came his cupcakes! I love cake so I'd been super excited about his cakes ever since I'd seen pictures on his cafes' Facebook page. Since Eddie's based in Kilsyth I thought I'd ask him how it's pronounced (I'd been told it's pronounced 'kill-sith') and he told me 'kill-scythe' which I prefer the sound of! I think that's how David and I were hoping it was pronounced. 

I managed to get two of these babies in my food baby before leaving for Belfast and oh my, they were SO good! The buttercream icing was amazing and the sponge was so moist and fluffy! I was very pleased with my fuwa fuwa cupcake - I'll have to be sure to visit him so I can have another one because the recipe is top secret!

To see more cakes or nosy ahead of a visit click here>  Eds Cafe

While on the topic of cake, my cousin Karly baked my Grandad a cake for his birthday (He turned 90 on 12th October!) This is the first time she's made a Chinese styled cake (which included 9 eggs!) which is generally fatless and has a lot less sugar. Considering it was her first Chinese cake I thought it was great and beautifully decorated! I want one for my birthday too!

That's not all though! I got myself a bundle of Asian sweets, dried mango and moon cake to take back to Belfast with me ^^
That's it for now but I'm sure we'll talk about food again soon!

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Baby, it's cold outside!

So all the better to stay indoors and watch things! 
I have been doing a lot of stuff watching lately, I very, very recently finished Game of Thrones Season One (poor Bean-chan ;__;) and have made a start on this season's anime. But first, what did I make of last season?

Lots of thoughts and *spoilers* ahead and more thoughts!

Kuroshitsuji - Book of Circus ~ Completed!
Enjoyed it all the way through (as predicted). There were some unexpected feels, some comical parts and the Phantomhive household is as energetic as ever. I really loved the character designs for all the members of Noah's Ark but it's a shame things didn't work out for them :<
Overall, spiffing! 

Zankyou no Terror ~ Completed!
Really enjoyed the Greek myths/ riddles/ puzzles in this! Easy names (Nine, Twelve, Lisa!) is a bonus as I'm starting to struggle to remember all these names @__@ I didn't love it as much when Five turned up - not sure if it's just because I didn't like her  but she did have an interesting design and I enjoyed her 'Engrish' xD
The end was unexpected and gave me feels. 

Akame ga Kill ~ in progress
Definitely one of my favourites of the season but heck, it needs to stop giving me feels, I can't handle characters I start liking suddenly dying on me ( why so brutal ;__;) but I do like that people don't just die off screen. *ahem*
Still really enjoying it at the moment but I can't decide how to feel, like I shouldn't like the bad guys but I can't help it, Esdeath might be cray cray and sadistic but she has really grown on me and I can't help but like her!

Tokyo Ghoul ~ Completed!
Tokyo Ghoul is a bit darker and different to things I usually watch or have watched so I quite enjoyed it to begin with
*caw caw caw*
O...k...why is the main character so useless? Like really? And why is it so censored? (Akame ga Kill lets me see people die!) The series became quite dry for me half way through and then one day, things happened!
Me: "Omg! He FINALLY does a thing!"
David: "Yeah, this is the last episode."
Me: "..."

Aldnoah.Zero ~ Episode #2
I didn't really know what to think of it at first but after the second I just didn't really care much for it and didn't give it a third. I think Mecha things just aren't for me. Wasn't too fussed about the art either.

Momo Kyun Sword ~ Episode #1
Ugh...I couldn't, it was terrible. I couldn't watch on.

Sailor Moon Crystal ~ ...
I've expressed many a times about how I feel about this. I just couldn't. My thoughts from here still apply.

Phew! So there we go, that's what I made of last season. I hope you're ready for more thoughts!

So far I have picked up these three!

Terra Formars ~ Episode #1
Not too sure what to make of this yet but I can imagine it not being my thing, might end up finishing it if David finds it to be his thing since we watch most things together over the weekend. 

Madan no Ou to Vanadis ~ Episode #1
We picked this one up randomly to see what it's like and I quite liked the first episode so I'll probably give it a few more to get a feel for it but I like the art and character designs so I might finish it.

Akatsuki no Yona ~ Episode #1
I really enjoy historical/ ancient/ period Asian dramas so I wanted to see if I'd enjoy that kind of anime too. At first Yona was a bit annoying, like a regular girl with a case of  'Princess Sickness'  (but she actually is a Princess, so it's A-ok!) but I can see that changing relatively quickly. I really like the art and designs for this anime so I'll keep watching.
I have two questions though:
1# Why does the pretty boy always have to be a bad guy?
2# Why does this remind me of a dating sim I once had...?

Things I will pick up:

Kuroshitsuji - Book of Murder
Because Kuroshitsuji. As if I'd watch all the seasons and not this one!

I imagine this to be like Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to but in the anime industry with women problems.

Shingeki no Kyojin Gaiden: Kuinaki Sentaku
I LIKE SnK! There! I said it!

To Love-Ru Darkness OVA
I've been waiting for more To Love-Ru. I am ready!


So there we go, that's me!
What're you watching an what did you enjoy?