Monday, 29 September 2014

So you think you're winning huh?

If you're female, I can do presents. If you're male, I'm going to try hard. 
It's that time of year again, Mr Rachel's birthday is creeping up and I really have spent the last month or so wonder 'what do?' because guys are hard to buy for. Especially this one. 

Since he got me started on playing Mario Kart I thought maybe something along that theme. I have to admit he's very good at the game, even with a delayed start. (We played the Mario Kart drinking game - gotta finish your drink but no drink driving! He always finishes the drink first and then goes on to come first.) However, he always gets all pissed off when the blue shell hits, I decided to make a thing! A BLUE SHELL!!!

I was going to make a cushion but then decided to turn it into a stuffed shell and now it's kind of stuck in between since there wasn't enough fabric to make it the right shape when fully stuffed ^^'
Makes a good elbow rest though!

Here are some pics of it in progress.

And it is STILL in progress but I'm nearly done! I have until Friday, I can do this!!!

(Wednesday 1st October)

Just some finishing touches but it's pretty much finished! WIN!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

On Call

So a few years ago everyone was hyping about TVB's The Hippocratic Crush (On Call 36 小時), a medical drama starring Kenneth Ma, Tavia Yeung, Mandy Wong and Him Law. Back when it aired I watched the first episode and wasn't overly fussed about it so I dropped it. 

Recently I decided that I wanted to get back into Asian Dramas so I thought I'd give it another go and OMG! Seriously guys, where have I been and what is wrong with me? On Call 36 小時 (referred to as On Call from now on) is my favourite thing, it's such a good drama and gives an interesting insight into the world of surgery and gives the viewer lot of feels. I cried so hard in certain episodes and for the rest of the time I just kept wishing that Tavia would date Kenneth instead of Him Law (I never call him Law Chung Him, always 'Him Law')in real life. 

Favourite things:
Yu Zai and Yat Kin Tau - they are so perfect for each other. Kenneth Ma and Tavia Yeung are my new favourite TVB pairing, they are so cute together <3

The opening theme 連續劇 by Joey Yung is very catchy and I love the lyrics

The *bromance*
Ok, so there are three of them but I REALLY love the scenes with Yat Kin Tau and Ben xD

There were bits in the drama that I didn't love so much (I found Mei Suet really annoying for the majority of the series and Onion didn't grow on me until 3/4 the way through) but all in all this is definitely one of TVB's finer works. Now to give On Call #2 a proper watch.

On Call #1. you're getting  9.5/10!

Time for deep things...are you ready?!

"Not everyone who leaves their house in the morning can be guaranteed that they’ll return safely home at night." 

This is one of my most memorable quotes from the entire series and really made me look at life in a different way. We need to appreciate life more, who knows what could happen.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Meta Monday!

I can't say I've been getting up to very much recently but I did decide I want to be more frilly! It's a shame to have all this loli and not really wear it so since the Tea Party Club's anniversary event Revelry is coming up,I thought I'd join in with 'Meta Mondays'! So usually something Meta related is posted for discussion, to get my fill of frills I decided to wear Meta every Monday leading up to the event.

Today I had to pop into town for a few bits and bobs so I put together a casual co-ord. Why? Because Meta. I actually really liked this casual look and how wearable it is so it would be nice to have some more casual pieces for daily wear. However...annoyingly enough I prefer to wear JSKs but I feel skirts are more versatile and look more casual. #loliproblems

Beret - eBay
Bows - Meta (from another JSK)
Top - Primark
Cardigan - M&S
Skirt - Meta
Bag - Taobao (Loris)

Socks - Primark

Shoes - eBay

For those who are interested, I only bought non-stick pans xD