Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Hello hello!
It's been dead here for a while (I'm sorry!) so a quite catch up on what's been going on until now is in order!

I went to my last Leeds meet on 24th which was hosted by Jo - Monochrome for May!
The theme was obviously monochrome and ironically we went to see one of the most colourful films - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Thanks for the last two years Leeds! I'll miss you lots but I'll be back!!!

I went for an old-school look for the first time!

JSK - Angelic Pretty
Cutsew - Taobao
Bag - Metamorphose
Headdress - Handmade
OTKs - Primark
Shoes - Primark

On 2nd June I moved into my flat in Belfast! BUT...it was grim. Not only were things broken, the place was also dirty an a frightening shadow of the place I have viewed and eagerly put a deposit in for...