Wednesday, 30 April 2014

No Game No Life

So the new season of anime is upon us and I picked up' No Game No Life',  'Mangaka-san to Assistant-san' to and 'Date A Live 2'.

I watched the first couple of episode of the firs two with David and enjoyed them so decided to keep watching. Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to reminded me of how I used to want to draw manga for a living and how hard I found it to do it all by myself consistently. Date A Live 2 I decided to watch because I enjoyed the first series and the character designs are still as cute as ever ^^

However, my favourite is No Game No Life.

The story of No Game, No Life centers around Sora and Shiro, a brother and sister whose reputations as brilliant NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) hikikomori (shut-in) gamers have spawned urban legends all over the Internet. These two gamers even consider the real world as just another "crappy game." One day, they are summoned by a boy named "God" to an alternate world. There, God has prohibited war and declared this to be a world where "everything is decided by games"—even national borders. Humanity has been driven back into one remaining city by the other races. Will Sora and Shiro, the good-for-nothing brother and sister, become the "Saviors of Humanity" on this alternate world? "Well, let's start playing."

I love EVERYTHING about this anime from the designs to the colours and the world they are transported to. I do think that the world would be a better places if war is prohibited and everything was solved by games. 

I'm also feeling a lot of cosplay potential...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Geek Meet - Keeping it in the family

Aiya!!! Enchanted left me with VERY little time to work on my Geek Meet outfit. Ages ago I decided on a Lord of the Rings Elven theme and after Enchanted, I only have the accessories....

I botched up the bodice so in the end I decided to make a skirt. I FINALLY got my 'Ultimate Ruffler' and good god, you don't call it the ultimate ruffler for no reason - it's a BEAST!
At least 5 needles were lost to this monster...

My skirt the night before O___O

I finally finished just after noon on the day of the meet - thank god the meet was in the afternoon ^^'

Geek Meet inspiration:
I couldn't really decide which Elf I wanted to be. Arwen's necklace I felt was the most iconic and recognisable accessory so I knew I definitely wanted to have that in the co-ord. However, I wanted to create an ethereal feel with floaty whites and creams so in the end I decided to 'keep it in the family' and incorporate aspects of Arwen, Elrond and Galadriel.
The idea is was 'if Galadriel wore Lolita, what could it look like?'. It had to be floaty and have lots of soft ruffles! The lilac accents are inspired by Arwen  and the hairstyle is like Elrond's. Sadly I didn't take a proper photo of the back of my hair :<
The oddest thing was having my forehead out (I actually have a three-head) but I searched and searched but Elves just don't have fringes!

The meet itself was very nice and chilled starting with photos which were VERY chilly , food at Trinity Kitchen and then card games and alcoholic beverages at FAB! 

Rivendell Elves - Keeping it in the Family Co-ord

Hairpieces: New Look and eBay
Necklace: eBay
Top: Primark
Shawl: Handmade
Skirt: Handmade
Shoes: eBay

I hope I succeeded!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


Saturday 5th April crept up FAR too quickly, I finished my headpiece the night before I left ^^' Myfanwy and I stayed over at Sophie's in Cambridge, it was fun having a wifing weekend! Sophie's mum even taughht us how to make dumplings, Sophie was on expert mode (of course!) and Myfanwy's looked lie Cornish Pasties haha xD 
Mine were somewhere in between.

Obligatory train selfie

We stopped by at Kensington Palace to take some pretty photos and then went on to get some lunch in Wasabi where things didn't turn out so pretty...
Wasabi was pretty busy so the only seats we could get were by the window and the people outside insisted on taking photos of us while we were eating even when we shook our heads and signaled 'no'. RUDE! If we were London attractions we would be charging!
When it comes to photos in Lolita, if you ask me, I am more than happy to let you take a photograph but one very, very rude and unpleasant man told us we have no choice because we're in public.

Leeds at Enchanted!
I love my comm <3

With Hitomi (Grimoire) and Minori

Now, I would never usually order a salad but I am SO glad that I got this, this salmon salad was amazing! Thank you Suki!

FINALLY able to have my Platform 9 3/4 photo! :D
And to end the night...

So sexy wig cap photo! Goodnight Cambridge!

*** Enchanted Co-ord ***

Headpiece: Handmade
Blouse: Primark
JSK: Metamorphose
Wrist cuffs: Chess Story
Bag: Taobao
Socks: Primark
Shoes: eBay