Saturday, 29 March 2014

Shooting or Selfies?

Yeah ok, I jumped on the selfie bandwagon too.
Natalie and I took a bundle on Sophie's phone while having a photoshoot day. Here's a couple


Here are a small selection of the lovely photos taken of Natalie, Myfanwy, Charlotte, Sophie and myself.


A very chilled and fun day - I've missed taking/ editing photos. SLR, I feel like my mojo is back!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Peng Peng

FINALLY finished my penguin bedding project. I was super excited to begin with and I wish the enthusiasm stayed with me but about three weeks in and I was getting bored. Thank god I don't get bored of everything this quickly.

I'm actually really pleased with my final designs so here they are for sharing ^^

Enjoy the penguins! 'Sophisticated Penguins' is my favourite. What about yours?

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Thoughts on the Start of 2014

If there is anything I'd like to say about this year is that it sure is moving quickly!

First things first, Caitlin came back to see us! We went 'Owl Spotting' and it sadly rained lots that day but on our adventures, we did find a Princess!

I also tried to make a post for the EGL wardrobe thread which didn't happen...I missed the deadline. Better luck next year ^^'

In February I learnt that the 2nd is 'National Twin Tails Day' in Japan. I love how that's a thing!

This month also saw the birth of the 'Best Girl Dream Factory' and the birth of Best Girl Pageant 2014 at LAC. This will be the legacy I leave behind for Huddersfield's Anime & Asian Film Society ;)
I spent that weekend at my cousin's in London and investigated some food markets.
Here's my roundup of the weekend.

Other perks of February include going ice-skating (and being really, really bad at it) and getting a placement with a bridal designer!