Friday, 10 January 2014

Goodbye 2013

So I know it's VERY late now and the last post was from November so I'm going to end my 2013 with a roundup of the last couple of months.
November included Thought Bubble in Leeds. This year I didn't buy much and didn't spend much time in the actual con compared to previous years. (I jointly bought a commission of Sophie and I and a Sailor Moon sketch.)

A beautiful group photo of my amazing comm - Thanks for another great year of frills Leeds!

Sophie and I after our wifely date to Yo!Sushi

My Panda inspired co-ord

Bow - handmade
Blouse - Anna House
JSK - Metamorphose
Cardigan - Primark
Belt - Wondertropolis
Tights - M&S
Shoes - Dreamy Bows


Jane introduced me to the 'Kitten Train'

Jinnipa and I went to The Deep! (I love The Deep and it's moon jellyfish!)

I had a lovely family Christmas which involved lots of Mah Jong (of course) and LOTS of food! The only letdown to my year was the Meta lucky pack being sold out. I was too slow :(
I saw the new year in nicely snuggled up with David though so I'm happy ^^

So that's a very brief round up of the end of 2013. 2013 was a very good year for me and it was hard, but I picked out the best bits of my year.

The Best of 2013
1# Seafoam Green - I will NEVER forget!
2# The beginning of mine, Sophie and Grace's wifing adventures! I even learnt how to make a dress :D
3# The Deep - I went to The Deep for the first time with David in May
4# The discovery of Little Tokyo and the Yu-Gi-Oh! drinking game (tipsy chicken nuggets are the best!)
5# Q-Con! I'm met some amazing new frilly friends! Hopefully see you all again soon!
6# David and I went to London! It was a VERY beesee week but we saw a lot of things and it was just nice to spend the week adventuring together ^^
7# Frock On! A fabulously frilly weekend! Leeds comm is best comm - I love you all!
8# The making of my 'Best Girl Collective' and getting back into anime
9# Pumpkin carving! 
10# Seeing the new year in all snuggled up with the Little Asian ^^